If you wondered what happened to my blog, all I can say is sorry for not completing it. The good news is I'm off on another trip, this time equipped with a netbook, which means a brand new blog. You can check it out at http://summeronrepeat.wordpress.com . Hopefully this site won't have have the text wrapping issues that blogger sometimes has.
Adios Muchachos!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Friday, April 17, 2009
Cancun and Isla Mujeres Pictures
My brief time in Cancun and Isla Mujeres still provided lots of photographic opportunities. For a larger view click on the slideshow.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Hot Springs and a Cemetery

Finally, we are almost at the end of my experiences in Xela. Christmas Day was business as usual, except I didn't have to go to school, apart from that there was nothing special going on. To make the most of my day I decided to take a stroll down to the Xela Cemetery. The Xela Cemetery is not on the usual list of tourist destinations in Guatemala, but I decided to check it out after my Spanish teacher, Martha, told me a sort of ghost story.
Once upon a time, there lived a gypsy in the town of Xela. No one knows what a gypsy was doing in Guatemala or how she got there, but she was there none the less. Sadly, whatever fate had brought her to Xela also doomed her to the life of a star crossed lover. The gypsy fell in love with a man far above her station in life. Of course, his family disapproved and sent him packing for Europe. She faithfully waited for him, but the years passed by with no word from her lover. One day the man returned to Xela, with a wife in hand. The gypsy couldn't believe the cruelty of the world and died of a broken heart. She was buried in the Xela cemetery, and everyday since her entombment a single red rose appears on her grave. No one knows who places it there, but long after the death of both the gypsy and her sweetheart, a rose continues to appear.

Later that day I started to fell sick. At first I thought maybe I had become possessed by an evil spirit when I was in the graveyard, then I realized it was my old friend the stomach bug ( I didn't know it was a parasite yet), come back to haunt me.
Being sick caused me to miss my last day of school and the very important lesson on the correct use of the subjunctive. It also shifted my plans for leaving Xela back a day. My original plan was to spend Saturday tying up loose ends and getting my act together and then to leave for Antigua on Sunday. Instead, because I was still feeling weak, I decided to go with my friend Danny and some of his classmates to the restorative hot springs at Fuente Georgina.

To get there we had to first take a bus to Zunil. In Zunil we hired a truck to drive us to the hot springs. Alternatively, we could have walked but that is and eight km trek uphill. With the four of us splitting the cost of the truck it wasn't too expensive.

The ride up to the springs was very beautiful as we passed campesinos working in the lush green fields, and at times hair raising; literally, because it was windy and, figuratively, because we were sitting in the back of the truck driving on narrow mountain roads as the fog started to roll in.

Along the way we picked up some Mayan women who were either enjoying the ride, or laughing at us gringos holding on for our dear lives.

We arrived at the springs feeling cold and wind battered, which was perfect for wanting to get into the hot water. Boy was it hot! At Fuentes Georgina the hot spring is diverted into three man made pools each one increasing in size and water temperature. We quickly changed into our swimsuits and made our way to the second pool, which could be described as hot tub hot. Hanging out in this pool was relaxing but too crowded. Once we got used to the heat we moved over to the big pool, which I would describe as being ridiculously, melt your skin off, hot.

I found this third pool to be unbearable and had to sit on a rock with just my legs dipped in. Eventually even that got to be too much for me. You really have to be careful in these hot springs. People faint all the time.

Our taxi would only wait for an hour and a half so we soon found ourselves bundling up once again for the windy ride back. By this time the fog had really thickened, and I really thought perhaps we shouldn't be driving so fast around those curvy mountain roads.

You can sigh in relief though, because I wouldn't be writing this if we hadn't made it.

Back in Zunil, as we waited for the Xela bus to fill up we walked down to the river to see the local women wash their laundry. There were large concrete basins set up by the river with hot spring water flowing directly into them.

Unfortunately all of that soapy water flows straight into the river, which can be described as a hot dirty mess.
That about wraps up my week in Xela.
Next Time: Antigua, the tourism capital of Guatemala.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Finally some pictures!
Hi Everyone!
I'm finally back stateside, so expect lots more posts more often. To start here is my photo essay of Havana.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Noche Buena aka Christma Eve

'Tis the season to be jolly. Finally, Christmas! Or more importantly Christmas Eve! Indeed, in Central America the high point of the Christmas season is not Christmas day, but Christmas Eve.
Despite the fact that Christmas Eve is a big holiday, life goes on pretty normally for most of the day. I had Spanish class as usual in the morning. It seemed that most people went to work as usual, but some businesses did close early, while others remained open to accommodate the crush of last minute shoppers.

Next Time: My last entry on Xela! I promise.
p.s. Did I mention the suicidal Santa?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Children of the Sun

One of the perks of going to Spanish school is that they have afternoon activities or excursions. I decided to go on one of these to the neighboring town of Zunil. There weren't very many students at my school at the time, so I was the only one going on the trip. Marvin, the school manager, drove me in his car to the town which was about fifteen minutes away. Zunil is a small somewhat charming town, inhabited mostly by farmers who work in the nearby fields. The town is not that exciting but it did have some interesting tidbits.

From the cemetary we went in search of San Simon, whom you might remember from an earlier entry. San Simon is an effigy that people pay respect to in order to receive love and fortune. He wasn't in the spot where Marvin last remembered. They had recently held the celebration of San Simon, so now he was in his new home somewhere else.

I think the people outside where selling some sort of moss like material for use in Nativity scenes.

From the market we went to the new home of San Simon. Unlike Maximon, this San Simon had a much more human appearance. He was more mannequin like and, that day, was dressed in an outfit that I felt was part Texas Ranger, part Military Man. (The clothing are gifts from patrons.) Another neat thing about this San Simon is that he had the ability to drink. If you gifted him with some booze, you could tip his head back and pour it straight down his throat. While you wet San Simon's whistle you can ask him for all of those special favors in your life like a good man, or some money. Out of respect for the two women watering the saint, and as Marvin liked to point out, "asking for a husband," I decided against taking any pictures. I did, however, take a picture of this dog, with something disturbing looking in his mouth.

Next Time: Noche Buena!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Today I take you to the small town of Chichicastenango, Guatemala. While in Xela, I found a Spanish school that was organizing a trip to Chichi, so I payed them a little money to take me with them. Truth be told, I could have probably figured it out myself, but as I wasn't that comfortable with the chicken bus system, I decided it was best to follow a guide. Truth also be told, afterwards I decided the guide wasn't much of a guide, but I was still glad I went with a group merely for the company.

Next Time: Zunil. The city of the children of the sun.
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